Oakville, Ont.- based Harvest Portfolios Group Inc. has made changes to three of its funds: Harvest Sustainable Income Fund and Canadian Premium Select Fund have been merged into Harvest Canadian Income & Growth Fund. Harvest Canadian Income & Growth Fund invests primarily in a portfolio of Canadian, publicly traded equities issued by utilities and industrial, communication, real estate and retail companies. The fund provides investors with monthly distributions and strives to maximize long-term total return for unitholders while reducing volatility. The fund consistently has paid 7¢ a month to unitholders since inception and is managed by Paul Gardner, partner and portfolio manager with Toronto-based Avenue Investment Management Inc. Advisor commissions are 0%-5% for front-end sales. There are no deferred or low-load options for the fund. Trailing commissions are 1.25%. Management fees are 2.5% for A-class units and 1.25% for F-class units. Minimum investment is $1,000.

Compiled by Clare O’Hara (cohara@investmentexecutive.com).

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