We all want to get the most out of a work day. But sometimes we find it difficult to stay on schedule, accomplish all we expect and remain productive.

Experts offer methods you can use to help increase your productivity.

> Eliminate Clutter. Set time to clear clutter from your home, your office desk and your computer — including your desktop and your e-mail inbox, says Joshua Zuchter, a life and business coach based in Toronto. Clutter is a barrier to productivity. It creates stress and slows you down.

> Set A Schedule. Assign blocks of time for tasks, says Dave Soteros president of Alrym Consulting Services in Toronto. If you have a list of objectives that must be accomplished by the end of the week, such as calling prospects, checking in with existing clients and doing administrative duties, set certain days for each task: Mondays and Tuesdays to contact prospects; Wednesdays and Thursdays to deal with existing clients; and Fridays for administrative tasks, for example.

> Set Objectives And Tasks. Tasks are what get you to your objectives. For example, if your goal of gaining 2 new clients a month would require 100 calls, the objective would be to land 25 new clients with as few calls as possible. If you can reduce the number of tasks (calls), you increase productivity, and improve the objective.

Here are four more tips you can use to increase your productivity:

> Stay focused on a single objective or task until it is finished. If you don’t want to be interrupted, have your calls forwarded to an assistant and work in another room;

> Prioritize tasks based on their value to clients;

> Clarify your objectives for the day and for the week. When possible, quantify goals. For example, say: “I am going to call five clients today”;

> Make daily to-do lists. Spend 15 minutes each day, either in the morning or in the evening, writing down what you have to accomplish.

A “magic ingredient” to productivity is passion, Zuchter says. People who are passionate about their work are the most productive. “Passion is not something you can create,” he says. “You have to find it.” IE