The double crunch of RRSP season and tax time has probably left many advisors feeling worn down and overworked. Your office and home computers may be just as tapped out, which makes spring an excellent time for a tune-up.

The average computer with an Internet connection is continually bombarded with demands from users, as well as myriad unwanted and often invisible attacks and incursions by outsiders. A system that isn’t tuned and cleaned regularly can grow incredibly slow, or even crash completely.

Here are some spring tips and Web assistants to get your computer operating efficiently. There are two steps involved: cleaning up your own problems, and then preventing outsiders from causing new ones.

> Start by going through your computer and deleting files that are outdated and no longer needed. You’re wasting valuable space and memory, and slowing down the system.

> Then use the “system tools” on the computer to do some much-needed basic maintenance. The tools can be found by clicking on “programs” and then “accessories.”

Microsoft’s Windows systems even come with a maintenance wizard that will carry out many tasks with one click. You should regularly run these tools, which will clean up clogged space on the disk, remove temporary files, empty the recycle bin and free up more memory.

> Now run the disk defragmenter. One of the most common causes of slowed-down computers is that the vital information in the system tends to get scrambled and separated from related data as the computer is used, invaded and overworked. Each program comprises packets of data that will operate more quickly once they are tightly packed back together. Think of a suitcase: a well-packed one will hold much more than one whose contents has been hastily tossed together. You should run the disk defragmenter regularly, perhaps every few weeks. If you haven’t used it in a long time, expect the process to run for perhaps half an hour. If you run it often, it will take only about five minutes.

If you own an Apple computer, different steps are required. You can find the maintenance tutorial on the company’s Web site (

Performing the basics means your computer should run quicker and more efficiently. Then it’s time to add the following software programs to block outside invaders that can cause damage.

Cookie Wall

If you are not blocking unwanted cookies from burrowing into your computer, then it’s safe to say your system probably holds many thousands of the tiny varmints. Almost every Web site you visit will add one or more cookies to your system. Some annoying pop-up ads may even slap in four or five cookies at once.

Cookies, which are small data files, began on the Internet with good intentions. A Web site would offer one in case you returned, to save you time by storing your ID so you would not have to log on to the site every single time.

Over the years, however, sneaky companies have embedded cookies into everyone’s system to help them track your movements on the Internet. As a result, you may use only a dozen cookies on your system, but there could be 10,000 or more. The Cookie Wall, which downloads in a minute, can easily be set to block all cookies and/or simply allow your favourite few to remain inside your computer.

The Cookie Wall on my computer has killed 1.4 million cookies in the past three years.

Lavasoft Ad-Aware spyware killer

Spyware is much more invasive than cookies, and some programs can crash your computer so often you may think it’s time to head to the store to buy a new one. Spyware can cause pop-up ads to appear even when you’re not on the Internet, readjust your browser settings, add a toolbar to your browser page or cause a total system failure.

Sweden-based Lavasoft’s free Ad-Aware SE Personal, found on the left-hand side of the home page, is one of the most popular downloads on the Internet, and for good reason. It will scan your system for spyware and let you kill the culprits before they get a chance to wreak havoc. Download it onto your desktop, run it every few days and remember to click on “Check for updates” to let it add the latest bad guys to its kill list.

Basic maintenance and the addition of Cookie Wall and Ad-Aware should speed up your computer and solve most recurring problems, but other excellent solutions can be found at The site is the place to head for hundreds of software programs to help eliminate attacks and make your computer run more smoothly.

You’ll find software for Apple computers, personal digital assistants, security improvements, desktop enhancements and even ways to beef up Web cameras and computer audio systems.

The right-hand side of the home page offers a list of the most popular programs, many of which have been downloaded to millions of computers. Each program has a rating of one to five stars by the site’s editors, as well as reviews by individual users. Read the main review and make a point of double-checking that your own system is compatible before you download a program. If you do add something to your computer and are unhappy, just remove the program and try something else.

The search engine at the top of the home page will save you a lot of time if you are looking to solve a particular problem or want to add something specific.

Computers and their offshoots have quickly become an integral part of the business day for advisors. Taking 15 minutes each month to run basic maintenance and keep a few security programs updated can eliminate many hours of unnecessary headaches. IE

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