Home Newspaper September 2024
IE September 2024 cover

September 2024

Dealers’ Report Card

How dealer advisors rated their firms’ support offerings and tools

Methodology for the annual Report Card

Advisors appreciate dealers that keep them informed and help them support wealthy clients

Dealer advisors have managed to improve productivity while struggling with increasing competitive pressures

Report Card results suggest firms are generally getting better at providing advisors with digital tools and training

Advisors value freedom to choose planning software, but tools must be well-integrated when provided by dealers

Responsiveness and trust are key elements of strong working relationships, but not all managers fulfill expectations

Most dealer advisors manage their clients on their own, but some found value in collaborating with peers

When it comes to educational tools, advisors’ needs vary across firms

Focus on Products

Demographics, tech advancements expected to drive growth in the sector

Building Your Business

For a young Penny Stayropoulos, financial planning was a beacon amid crisis


Industry at odds with CIRO’s proposals on maximum penalties and dispute resolution

Proposal would give executors more time to implement loss carryback strategy

Gaining an investment edge with large language models is no simple feat

Comment & Insight

Editorial: Fortunately, the court laid out a solution to the consequences of its decision

Top earners in four jurisdictions may face a higher tax rate on capital gains than on eligible dividends