Home Newspaper November 2022
Investment Executive November 2022 cover

November 2022

Comment & Insight

Editorial: The fledgling sector is sucking up a disproportionate share of investors’ attention and regulators’ resources

Premier accused Montrealers of looking down on people in the Quebec City-Lévis region


Approaches of CSA, ISSB and SEC have fundamental differences

What you need to know when advising American clients in Canada

Make sure clients are aware of these key deadlines before the end of the year

Monetary and fiscal policy struggle with the pandemic's fallout

Ability for both spouses to contribute independently opens up more possibilities

Clients should tread carefully if they change the intended use of a building or residence

Mackenzie's new president and CEO says advisors are looking for alternatives as rising prices and interest rates threaten traditional returns

New rules lower the bar for reporting aggressive tax-planning techniques

Tax proposals such as the FHSA unlikely to address affordability issues, experts say

Building Your Business

You can increase profits by reducing expenses, but any cuts must be made with caution and without lowering your value in the eyes of clients

Advisors say they are not consulted when their firms foist new software systems on them. Here's how some firms get it right

Focus on Products

CI Auspice ETF targets commodities minus the price swings