Home Newspaper November 2019
Investment Executive 2019 front cover

November 2019


Looking ahead to the 2020 federal budget

Data show that shareholder activism is on the rise in Canada

Wave of post-crisis regulatory improvements slows

Legislative changes give the BCSC the strongest tools in Canada, B.C. government says

Banks in Europe and Japan are charging investors to park their money. Could the U.S. and Canada be next?

Rachel Volynsky, in her new role, leads the team that provides investment consulting services to Mercer's institutional clients

Building Your Business

The agency's HNW audit program is comprehensive and costly for clients, tax practitioners say. If your client is subject to an audit, here's what to…

Ontario government has lowered probate fees and extended the filing deadline for estate information returns

In general, there are three potential outcomes when a TFSA accountholder dies, depending on the preparations made

Ontario and New Brunswick chose not to mirror the new small-business deduction rules, but clients outside those provinces need to plan for clawback

A unit of the Canada Revenue Agency is devoted to studying and closing the difference between taxes paid and taxes owed

The exemption threshold has doubled, but paperwork is still required

Tax experts share their insights and experiences

Immediate financing arrangements allow wealthy clients to preserve cash in a tax-advantaged way

Report urges transparency for donor advised funds, but industry warns against stifling donations

There have been cuts this year, but high government debt loads are likely to prevent a tax-cut bonanza

Focus on Products

European equities with global market exposure, particularly to China, are thriving amid eurozone uncertainty

Comment & Insight

Trudeau managed to get elected advocating a carbon tax - after buying an oil pipeline

Toronto's Port Lands have long been neglected, but are local residents ready for Sidewalk Labs?

Plans for an East Coast football team continue to experience setbacks

Voters in British Columbia sent a mixed bag of MPs to Ottawa - and a message to Trudeau