Home Newspaper Mid-October 2021
IE Mid-October newspaper cover page

Mid-October 2021

Comment & Insight

Editorial: With several dealers defying the spirit of the client-focused reforms, have regulators finally learned their lesson?

The province is united in its anger over Jason Kenney’s mishandling of the pandemic

Advisors’ Report Card

Within a shifting industry, advisors valued solid support as well as proactive innovation

Advisors across the industry value planning tools and access to experts

Average ratings from advisors in each industry channel

Investment Executive's full Report Card series shows that book values and productivity have increased since 2019

Meanwhile, equities and ETFs have gained portfolio share for brokerage advisors

Some advisors say wealthy investors are not getting service that meets high expectations

Advisors across all Report Cards gave a collective Net Promoter Score of 62.2

Focus on Products

Investment pros tackle hypothetical client challenges

Guaranteed products include features that reduce potential returns while preserving capital


Investor advocates and law firms worry about inadequate reporting

Regulators are slowly bringing the sector to heel

Some experts believe the feds could hike capital gains rate

Building Your Business

Kevin Burkett said advisors starting a firm should ditch a defined plan and be open to input instead