IE May 2024 cover

May 2024

Brokerage Report Card

How investment advisors rated their firms’ support offerings and tools

Insurance Guide

Provincial authorities are targeting licensing exam security, MGAs, seg fund disclosures and other issues

Introduced in the 2019 federal budget, these annuities provide income beginning as late as age 85

A successful claims process begins at the time of sale, say experienced advisors

Exercising care, concern and consistency can help you provide your clients with a positive experience and the coverage they need

Should insurance be offered by advisors as part of a holistic financial plan or sold as a complex product by expert salespeople?

As regulatory oversight increases, advisors grapple with succession, financial planning and independence

A sneak peek at an upcoming CE course shows three time frames are key to recommendations

Balancing immediate needs with long-term expenses is key to using the payout effectively


Newsmaker: CEO Grant Vingoe also wants to see binding decision-making authority for OBSI

Reaction to CIRO’s proposed changes is sharply divided

Industry pushes back on proposed restrictions on crypto holdings

Comment & Insight

Editorial: Improved transparency affected both investor and industry behaviour

Nova Scotia to begin indexing, P.E.I. cuts taxes and Alberta plans for a new bracket