July 2005

Building Your Business

Corry Collins built a successful practice by niche marketing to physicians

Lifestyle communities for active retirees offer social and recreational activities, but they’re not for everyone

How one advisor sharply increased his annual revenue by learning how to approach seniors and service their needs properly

Courts take differing views of “buy low, donate high” tax deduction schemes

Advisors who have clients who like to climb mountains or jump out of airplanes should make sure they are properly insured

Each generation is living longer than the last, so advisors must help their clients prepare for retirement that may last decades

Elective eye surgery has people around the world tossing their spectacles

An otherwise worthy guide to improving an advisory business is hampered by cute descriptions, uneven treatment of topics

Letters of engagement and investment policy statements clarify the advisor/client relationship and protect against hazardous misunderstandings. They just happen to make excellent marketing tools, too

Sarah Holland helps advisors create financial plans for clients

Thousands of sites claim to offer excellent maps and data. Only a few are worth calling up

Are bad work habits preventing you from achieving your goals? Experts say business people can easily overcome those bad habits that prevent them from doing…

Take the time to create a long-term vision of exactly what it is that you are building

Comment & Insight

It seems to me a convertible craze has overcome Toronto. I can’t speak for the rest of the country — and my research methods are…

Consider, for a moment, the “smart” shoe that controls television viewing. Designed for children, it has a special insole that measures the child’s activity and…

Regulatory models should safeguard investors in a changing financial services market

In the days following bernard Landry’s surprise resignation as Parti Québécois leader, friends, foes and pundits alike have looked back on his career and focused…

Certainly, paul martin, with a spanking-new 27-point lead in the polls, has pulled off the best Lazarus act since Pierre Trudeau quit the leadership of…

If you want to find a great cottage from which to watch summer sunsets, you won’t find a better deal than in Manitoba. But you’d…

The problem is that there are no industry-wide regulations and practices to govern it

Investment research

Funds range from conventional to sophisticated

As you’d expect, many people think energy stocks are fully valued, if not excessively valued, after their big run. The S&P/TSX energy sector has gained…

Most banks, life insurers and property and casualty insurers once again posted strong results in the first quarter. But earnings were mixed for mutual fund…

Conservative investors often like this strategy, but it may be best to start it in certain months of the year

One year after the European Union added 10 new members, the mood across the region is less than euphoric. Despite the expectations preceding the May…

Focus on Products

ClaringtonFunds Inc. is asking investors to vote next month on the proposed merger of 13 of its mutual funds into existing Clarington funds, subject to…

Manulife Mutual Funds plans to terminate all series of MIX AIM American Mid-Cap Growth Class and MIX Global Sector Class, effective Sept. 30. As well,…

Scotia Securities Inc. has announced that Alliance Capital Management Canada Inc. will take over as portfolio advisor for Scotia European Growth Fund, effective June 27,…

Toronto-based AIM Funds Management Inc. has appointed Alfred Samson to its fixed-income portfolio-management team. Samson has 14 years’ experience managing fixed-income securities; his most recent…

MRS Inc. and Mackenzie Financial Corp. have announced shareholder approval of the merger of Keystone Premier Euro Elite 100 Capital Class into Mackenzie Ivy European…

Mackenzie Financial Corp. has appointed Toronto-based Laketon Investment Management Ltd. as subadvisor to Mackenzie Maxxum Growth Income Fund, effective June 24. The fund, previously managed…

RBC Asset Management Inc. has launched RBC US$ Income Fund, a mutual fund aimed at investors who spend a large part of their time in…

Canada needs to be on the same page as the U.S. and Britain

It usually brings on the legal and moral obligations of a fiduciary nature

Foreign funds from Howson Tattersall Investment Counsel and TD Asset Management provide sound diversification for investors

Natural resources funds were on a tear last year, thanks to surging commodity prices and strong demand from fast-growing economies in Asia. And, although markets…

In addition to insurance coverage and “tax-sheltered” investing, high-income clients can get access to investment capital and potential tax savings using a 10-8 universal life…


It was a short retirement for Peter Marshall. Less than two years after bidding the industry farewell, the former chairman, CEO and CIO of Halifax-based…

Bill black turned down a lot of job offers after he stepped down as president and CEO of The Maritime Life Assurance Co. Instead, the…

Despite being shot down in court, Rob Kyle, a derivatives trader who is now also an investors’ advocate, pledges to carry on his fight to…

Pessimists on the independent side of the fund industry have long worried that the banks were coming to eat their lunch. Optimists laughed at the…

Amajor success story among Canada’s financial institutions is Royal Bank of Canada’s cost control. At the other end of the scale is CIBC, with its…

Amendments to nova Scotia’s Securities Act, recently passed by the province’s legislature, will significantly boost enforcement powers and, for the first time, allow delegation of…

A pair of canadian mutual fund managers have boots on the ground in Europe, a situation that may give them a distinct advantage in investment…

Britain’s experience in creating its own super-regulator shows that a cataclysmic Big Bang is probably required in Canada to make such a fundamental overhaul of…

Crocus Investment Fund’s seven-month trading halt has become permanent, and some industry observers fear the fallout from the failure of the embattled labour-sponsored fund will…

Court says dealers can refuse business that may expose them to damage

Investors think regulators should be able to deliver

Report Card on Banks & CUs

There is little staff turnover, largely because managers are tied to their clients and the community

Notable was the drop in ratings from credit union employees — down to 6.7 from 8.2 last year

Women are moving into middle and senior management at the banks and credit unions

Yet most banks and credit unions back the pursuit of PFP aand CFP designations

But many firms are taking steps to ensure that their account managers have no reason to move

Relationship-building skills top the list of qualities sought in job candidates

Account managers are pleased with brand recognition and bank referrals