RBC Capital Markets reports that its hedge fund index, the RBC Hedge 250 Index, had a net return of 0.87% in March.
This gain brings the year-to-date return of the Index to 2.86%. These returns are estimated and will be finalized by the middle of next month. The return for February 2007 has been finalized at 0.77%.
Since its inception on July 1, 2005 through the end of February 2007, the RBC Hedge 250 Index has had an annualized net return of 11.29%. RBC reports that over the same period, other investable indices have averaged 7.96% while non-investable indices have averaged 12.97%, according to information reported by the sponsors of those indices.
The RBC Hedge 250 Index is an investable benchmark of the performance of the hedge fund industry comprised of more than 250 actual hedge funds. The Universe on which the Index is based currently consists of 5,692 hedge funds (excluding funds of hedge funds) with aggregate assets under management of US$1.32 trillion.