The Nasdaq Stock Market Inc. today named the companies that are included in its new listing tier, the Nasdaq Global Select Market.

The new Nasdaq Global Select Market tier, which will become effective on July 3, has the highest listing standards in the world. Approximately 1,200 companies qualify for this new market tier.

In conjunction with the creation of the new tier, Nasdaq will rename the Nasdaq National Market to the Nasdaq Global Market. Approximately 1,450 companies will be included in the Nasdaq Global Market. The Nasdaq Capital Market will remain as is with approximately 550 companies within this segment.

Nasdaq president and CEO Bob Greifeld noted, “Nasdaq companies are doing business on a global basis and we wanted to recognize that in the creation of our new listing tiers. We believe that the best quality companies will be attracted to the highest listing standards.”

Greifeld continued, “The feedback we have received from Nasdaq-listed companies about our blue chip market for blue chip companies has been very positive. CEOs recognize that high quality listing standards are linked to reputation and valuation. We are very pleased to have the opportunity to distinguish these companies, provide them with first-class services, and lead a race to the top for listings standards.”

Members of the Nasdaq Global Select Market will receive an additional package of services as a benefit of listing on the new tier. The exchange says that these services will provide companies greater visibility, deeper market intelligence, and competitive context on hot-button topics like executive and director compensation. Most notably, Nasdaq is developing new indexes that track the Nasdaq Global Select Market and the Nasdaq Global Market, which launch next month.