Canadian credit card users are still doing a good job of paying off their monthly charges, according to a new report from Fitch Ratings.
Credit card chargeoffs and delinquencies remained stable for Canadian credit card asset-backed securities (ABS) in the fourth quarter of 2017, the report says.
Chargeoffs averaged 3% in the quarter, and 60+ day delinquencies remained at around 1% (compared with 2% a decade ago).
Moreover, monthly credit card payment rates rose by over 1% in the fourth quarter to finish the year at 44.7%. By comparison, the U.S. rate has been in the low-30% range.
In short, “rising overall debt is not preventing Canadian credit card users from paying off their balances in full every month,” says Herman Poon, senior director at Fitch, in a statement.
“Barring any major macro shock, strong performance of Canadian credit card trusts should continue undaunted,” he adds.