The Working Opportunity Fund, managed by GrowthWorks Capital Ltd., says that the RRSP fees paid by shareholders to the fund have been eliminated.
As a result of this change, which received both shareholder approval on June 22 and board approval on July 26, there will no longer be a $30 first time purchase fee, a $15 additional purchase fee, or the $30 RRSP annual fee.
These fees were historically paid through to the fund’s manager to offset the costs of transaction processing and have been replaced with a tiered increase in management and administration fees.
No significant financial benefit should accrue to the manager as a result of the change based upon historical RRSP fees paid.
Working Opportunity Fund eliminates RRSP fees
Fees replace with tiered increase in management and administration fees
- By: IE Staff
- July 27, 2006 July 27, 2006
- 07:40