Toronto-based frontierAlt Funds Management Limited announced today it has received unitholder and regulatory approval to merge the frontierAlt All Terrain Canada Fund into the frontierAlt All Terrain World Fund.

The merger required the approval of a majority of unitholders in the Canada Fund, which was granted at a special meeting held earlier today.

The effective date of the merger will be on or about January 31, 2008. Upon completion of the merger, the name of the World Fund will be changed to frontierAlt Opportunistic Global Fund.

The Series A, F and I units of the Canada Fund (including units purchased under a pre-authorized chequing plan) will be closed to all new purchases effective as of the close of business on the business day immediately before the effective date of the merger.

Unitholders of the Canada Fund will continue to have the right to redeem their units at any time up to the close of business on the business day immediately before the effective date of the merger.