United Financial Corp. is making portfolio management changes to 13 investment mandates in its managed portfolio solutions, the company announced Thursday.

“These appointments result from our ongoing review and monitoring of our programs and the portfolio managers and ensure that our investment mandates continue to offer top-quality, proven managers and a diverse mix of investment styles,” said Joe Canavan, chairman and CEO.

Current managers Alliance Bernstein L.P., AGF International Advisors Co. Ltd., and Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd. will be replaced by Epoch Investment Partners, Inc., Altrinsic Global Advisors, LLC, and Cambridge Advisors.

The manager changes are scheduled to take effect on March 1, 2009, in the case of AllianceBernstein L.P., and on April 1, 2009 for the other current managers.

Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. of New York manages about US$5 billion on behalf of pension and mutual funds, endowments and foundations, and corporate clients.

Altrinsic Global Advisors, based in Stamford, Connecticut, provides global investment management to institutions and mutual funds. The firm manages approximately US$7 billion and is led by chief investment officer John Hock, who has over 20 years of experience in international equity investing using a value approach.

CI Global Holdings Inc. carries on business as Cambridge Advisors of Boston and is a subsidiary of CI Investments Inc. Cambridge is led by Alan Radlo, senior vp, portfolio management, who has more than 25 years of experience in managing Canadian, U.S. and global large and small-cap equity portfolios.

For a complete list of the funds affected by the changes, please see the attached news release.