TD Asset Management Inc. today announced the launch of three new pooled fund trusts.

Among the new funds is TD Emerald 130/30 Fundamental Canadian Equity Pooled Fund Trust. TD Asset Management says this fund builds on the firm’s success managing fundamental long only equity and long/short equity market neutral strategies.

“TD Asset Management has demonstrated the skill and success in buying long and selling equities short — keys to the credibility of any fundamental active extension solution,” says Robin Lacey, managing director. “It is exciting to be one of the first investment managers to bring a fundamental Canadian equity solution to this market, one that complements our existing quantitative active extension funds.”

The investment management firm has also launched two globally focused equity funds, TD Emerald Enhanced International Equity Pooled Fund Trust and TD Emerald Global Dividend Pooled Fund Trust.

TD Emerald Enhanced International Equity Pooled Fund Trust uses TD Asset Management’s quantitative analytical techniques to build a value-adding portfolio of equities from the established economies of Europe, Australasia and the Far East, while maintaining risk characteristics in line with the MSCI EAFE Index over the long term.

TD Emerald Global Dividend Pooled Fund Trust is designed to deliver growth and income by investing primarily in dividend-paying equity securities and other income producing instruments of issuers from around the world. Global exposure provides clients with risk diversification while the concentration on dividends can significantly contribute to total returns over time, the firm says.