Sun Life Financial Inc. (TSX:SLF) will celebrate the inaugural fund line-up of Sun Life Global Investments (Canada) Inc. with celebrations from coast to coast, the company said Wednesday.
“Our innovative funds harness the strength of Sun Life with top product development, investment expertise and asset management from around the world, providing Canadian investors with attractive new choices to meet their investment and retirement needs,” says Rick Headrick, president, Sun Life Global Investments Canada.
The suite of 12 funds include seven funds sub-advised by MFS Investment Management, bringing the best of MFS’s investment capabilities to Canadian investors through six global, U.S. and international equity funds and one global balanced fund.
“These funds will be powered by MFS’s renowned platform of proprietary global research and strong investment discipline,” says Headrick. In June, Morningstar ranked MFS among the Top 5 of the 30 largest mutual fund companies in the U.S., based on a measurement that reflects 3-year returns, stewardship and manager tenure, retention, and investment levels.
The inaugural fund family also includes four Milestone funds, Sun Life’s brand of target-date funds, and one money market fund sub-advised by McLean Budden – one of Canada’s oldest and most respected investment firms.
“The Milestone funds will provide Canadians with the convenience of target-date funds, along with a guaranteed maturity value for units held to the fund’s maturity date,” Headrick saays, noting that Sun Life was the first company in the Canadian group market to offer target-date funds with that type of guarantee.
“The money market fund rounds out the line-up and offers flexibility for investors to manage their portfolios across the fund family,” he adds. “McLean Budden is also renowned for its research-intensive process and we look forward to offering additional funds through McLean Budden in the future.”
“The new funds will be available through our extensive distribution reach, which includes Sun Life advisors, MFDA and IIROC advisors, and Sun Life’s group retirement and direct distribution businesses through our segregated fund platform,” Headrick adds.
The company is scheduled to begin accepting investments from clients on October 25, 2010.
The new funds are eligible for inclusion in registered plans, such as RRSPs, RRIFs, and TFSAs
Fireworks will be illuminating the sky over Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax on Wednesday night in celebration of the launch of the new company.
The festivities will also feature local live musical performances to celebrate the initial fund offerings.
Sun Life announces new fund line-up
Festivities planned to celebrate the launch of new investment company
- By: IE Staff
- October 13, 2010 October 13, 2010
- 09:55