Altamira Investment Services Inc. today announced the appointment of Ballie Gifford Overseas Ltd. as sub-advisor to the Altamira Global Discovery Fund, effective April 1.

Natcan Investment Management Inc., the portfolio advisor to the fund, has hired Ballie Gifford as sub-advisor to the fund.

Ballie Gifford is an Edinburgh, Scotland based global investment manager with over $75 billion under management and was established in 1908. Gerald Smith, head of Ballie Gifford’s emerging markets Investment Team, will provide investment advice for the fund. Smith is a partner of the firm and has over 18 years investment experience.

In a related move, Natcan said that the assets of the National Bank Emerging Markets Fund will be also sub-advised by Baillie Gifford, effective April 1.

Charles Guay, president and COO of National Bank Securities Inc., explained that Baillie Gifford, “has extensive experience in managing emerging market assets and, with its research team, will unquestionably add substantial value to this fund.”