National Bank is launching a new issue of the Advantage 8 GIC, which will be on sale from January 12 through March 13, 2007.
The GIC enables investors to benefit from 100% principal protection and the performance of a portfolio of shares in 20 major Canadian, American, European and Japanese companies.
The short-term investment solution guarantees the buyer a 25% minimum return on eight of the 20 stocks in the benchmark portfolio. The Advantage 8 GIC also offers global diversification with no currency risk.
The minimum investment is $500. At maturity on Sept. 15, 2009, investors will receive their principal plus an amount equivalent to the average return of the 20 stocks in the benchmark portfolio, composed of a fixed 25% return on the eight top performing stocks and the actual return on the other 12 stocks.
The Advantage 8 GIC qualifies for RRSPs, RRIFs, DPSPs, and RESPs. The Advantage 8 GIC constitutes a deposit that is fully covered by the CDIC, subject to its conditions for insurable deposits.
The GIC is available through a National Bank financial advisor. Bank clients and investors can also purchase an Advantage 8 GIC by calling TelNat at 1-888-483-5628 or through National Bank Direct Brokerage at or 1-888-293-6637 as well as from investment advisors or financial planners in Canada.
National Bank introduces new issue of Advantage 8 GIC
Minimum return of 25% for 8 of the 20 shares included in the benchmark portfolio
- By: IE Staff
- January 8, 2007 January 8, 2007
- 10:55