Hartford Investments Canada Corp., the manager of The Hartford Canada Funds, says that subject to regulatory approval, each of its 10 funds is authorized to issue an additional class of units called Class A units.

The Hartford Canada funds consist of 10 Canadian mutual funds, namely, The Hartford U.S. Capital Appreciation Fund, The Hartford Global Leaders Fund, The Hartford U.S. Stock Fund, The Hartford Canadian Stock Fund, The Hartford Canadian Value Fund, The Hartford Growth and Income Fund, The Hartford Canadian Equity Income Fund, The Hartford Advisors Fund, The Hartford Bond Fund and The Hartford Money Market Fund.

The Hartford Money Market Fund is authorized to issue two additional classes of units namely Class A units and DCA Class A units).

Hartford also announced that the existing sales charge class (SC) units and the deferred sales charge class (DSC) units of each of the Hartford funds have been redesignated/renamed as Class D units and Class B units respectively and that similarly the existing DCA sales charge class units and the DCA deferred sales charge class units of The Hartford Money Market Fund have been redesignated/renamed as DCA Class D units and DCA Class B units respectively.

The full description of the new classes of units is contained in the amended and restated simplified prospectus of the funds that has been filed with securities regulators.