Counsel Wealth Management announced today that it has launched two new managed portfolio solutions to complement its existing six portfolios.
Subject to regulatory approval, Counsel World Managed Portfolio and Counsel Income Managed Portfolio are available for investment effective immediately.
“The new Counsel Portfolios expand an investor’s access to a comprehensive selection of Counsel investments that satisfies their risk tolerance and long-term financial objectives,” said Sam Febbraro, Counsel’s president, in a news release. “These portfolios were designed as tactically ‘managed’ solutions, which allow asset allocations to shift to control risk and take advantage of a wider range of opportunities.”
Counsel World Managed Portfolio will invest in Canadian, U.S. and international equities, as well as global small-cap equities and fixed-income securities either directly or through securities of other mutual funds. Renowned firm, Credit Suisse Asset Management, LLC, provides asset allocation advice. This portfolio also has access to investment specialists Leon Frazer & Associates Inc., Dreman Value Management, LLC, Mawer Investment Management Ltd., EPOCH Investment Partners Inc., Howson Tattersall Investment Counsel, AIM Funds Management Inc. and TD Asset Management Inc. In addition, Cumberland Private Wealth Management Inc. has been retained as the equity risk review manager, using its scientific screens and statistical tools to advise how risk can be minimized.
Counsel Income Managed Portfolio seeks to provide a consistent level of income with potential for long-term capital growth by investing directly or through securities of other mutual funds, in income-producing securities, primarily bonds and dividend-paying stocks. Thornmark Asset Management Inc. provides asset allocation advice and will also manage a portion of the portfolio’s income producing assets. The portfolio’s fixed-income component and dividend component are represented by underlying fund managers TD Asset Management Inc. and RBC Asset Management Inc., respectively.
“We have held many discussions and listened closely to the advisor community to understand what selection of portfolios they require to help manage a client’s financial plan,” says Sam Febbraro. “What stood out is the need to complement our existing portfolios with ones that focus on income and global investing using a tactical approach. We have responded to the challenge with Counsel World Managed Portfolio and Counsel Income Managed Portfolio using the same third-party manager selection approach, portfolio design and cost effectiveness as offered through our existing and successful lineup of Counsel Portfolios.”
Counsel Wealth Management is a wholly owned investment management firm of Investment Planning Counsel Inc, and manages total assets of over $2 billion.
Counsel Wealth launches two new managed portfolios
Portfolios focus on income and global investing using a tactical approach
- By: IE Staff
- February 2, 2007 February 2, 2007
- 08:45