Claymore Investments, Inc. has filed a preliminary prospectus relating to the proposed Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) offerings of common units and advisor class units of several funds.
Claymore Global Fundamental Index ETF is designed to provide exposure to the Global developed world countries through investments in blue-chip companies in the FTSE RAFI Global ex US 1000 Index.
Claymore US Fundamental Index ETF (C$ hedged) is designed to provide exposure to the US market on a currency hedged basis through investments in blue-chip companies in the FTSE RAFI US 1000 Canadian Dollar Hedged Index.
Claymore Japan Fundamental Index ETF (C$ hedged) is designed to provide exposure to the Japan market on a currency hedged basis through investments in blue-chip companies in the FTSE RAFI Japan Canadian Dollar Hedged Index.
Claymore ETF FTSE RAFI Canadian Index Fund is designed to provide exposure to the Canadian market through investments in blue-chip companies in the FTSE RAFI Canada Index.
Claymore Oil Sands Sector ETF is designed to provide exposure to the best and most significant Canadian oil sands sector producers through investments in companies in the Sustainable Oil Sands Sector Index.
Claymore BRIC ETF is designed to provide exposure to the Brazil, Russia, India and China economies, through companies in the BNY BRIC Select ADR Index.
Claymore CDN Dividend & Income Achievers ETF is designed to provide a high level of dividend and income by investing in companies that have a record of sustaining and growing distributions in the Mergent’s Canadian Dividend & Income Achievers Index.
Claymore has also proposed amendments to thethe master declaration of trust in connection with the proposed offering by Claymore ETF FTSE RAFI Canadian Index Fund of its advisor class units.
The amendments include changing the authorized capital of the fund so that the fund will be authorized to issue an unlimited number of common units and advisor class units. The existing units of the fund will be renamed and known as the “Common Units” of the fund. Each class of units of the Fund will have its own net asset value per unit. The new “Advisor Class Units” have a management fee of 0.65% per annum of the net asset value per Advisor Class Unit plus an additional amount of 0.75% per annum of the net asset value per Advisor Class Unit.
Claymore Investments, Inc. is responsible for the administration and management of the fund.
Claymore is a wholly owned subsidiary of Claymore Group, Inc., a financial services and asset management company based in the Chicago, Illinois area. Claymore Group entities provide supervision, management, servicing or distribution of approximately US$14 billion in assets.
Claymore announces new ETFs
- By: IE Staff
- July 25, 2006 July 25, 2006
- 08:35