BMO Guardian Funds is launching six new mutual fund portfolios of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), giving investors broader choice and greater access to the growing ETF market, the fund group announced Monday.

The new offerings include two tactically managed funds and four strategically managed risk-differentiated portfolios.

Each ETF mutual fund portfolio is a class of BMO Global Tax Advantage Funds Inc., a mutual fund corporation, which allows for switching among other BMO Global Tax Advantage Funds without incurring a taxable event.

The new offerings include:

• BMO Guardian Canadian Tactical ETF Class Advisor Series;
• BMO Guardian Global Tactical ETF Class Advisor Series;
• BMO Guardian Security ETF Portfolio Advisor Series;
• BMO Guardian Balanced ETF Portfolio Advisor Series;
• BMO Guardian Growth ETF Portfolio Advisor Series; and
• BMO Guardian Aggressive Growth ETF Portfolio Advisor Series.

The asset allocation decisions for the BMO Guardian Tactical ETF Portfolios will be actively managed by Jones Heward Investment Counsel Inc. for the BMO Guardian Canadian Tactical ETF portfolio and Pyrford International Limited will provide investment management advice for the BMO Guardian Global Tactical ETF portfolio.

The four risk-differentiated ETF portfolios will be strategically managed with ongoing portfolio monitoring and rebalancing by Jones Heward Investment Counsel Inc.

“We are listening to our clients’ needs and created these new mutual fund portfolios of ETFs to give investors and financial advisors another tool with which to access the growing ETF market,” said Serge Pepin, director of Investments at BMO Investments Inc.

BMO Guardian Funds are currently offered by BMO Investments Inc., which is a member of BMO Financial Group (TSX:BMO).