Altamira Investment Services today announced the launch of the Altamira SMART Note. The new note offers fully protected principal and unlimited potential return at maturity, over a seven-year term.

The SMART Note consists of three portfolios, each allocated differently to represent varying levels of risk tolerance: conservative, balanced and growth. These portfolios are diversified among the four most common asset classes (equities, bonds, commodities and currencies).

When the Note matures, investors will automatically receive the return from the best performing of all three portfolios at the end of a seven-year term, plus their initial investment. If there is not a positive return on any of the portfolios, investors will get their initial investment back.

“The SMART Note’s asset allocation strategy allows the full spectrum of investors, ranging from conservative to aggressive, to benefit from unlimited potential return at maturity,” said Ian Dillon, chief investment strategist for Altamira.

The issue price is $100 per note with a minimum investment of $500. At maturity, on May 31, 2013, investors may be paid, in addition to their principal, a positive unlimited return corresponding to the best performance of the three portfolios.

The Note is eligible for RRSP, RRIF and RESP investments.

The Note can be purchased until May 26, 2006 directly from an Altamira Advisor by calling 1-888-ALTAMIRA or by visiting one of our investor centres across Canada.