Toronto-based Excel Funds Management Inc. today announced the appointment of Levi Folk as emerging market economist. Folk will provide in-depth research on emerging markets on behalf of Excel Funds and add bench strength to its operations.

Folk is a well-recognized financial commentator in Canada and is widely known for his weekly column in the National Post on global investing and mutual funds.

“We are very excited that Levi is bringing his expertise to Excel Funds. Emerging markets are growing faster than developed markets and over the next decade that is where the returns will come from. Levi is highly regarded for his knowledge of mutual funds and global capital markets, and he will certainly strengthen our position as the authority on the emerging markets,” says Bhim Asdhir, president of Excel Funds.

An economist by training Folk, is one of Canada’s leading mutual fund writers and analysts and president of Generation Capital. In addition to his weekly column, Folk also appears monthly on CBC national radio, on the National Business Network and CBC Newsworld. He further has over 10 years of research and publishing experience and success in the mutual fund industry in Canada.