Canadian Trading and Quotation System Inc. (CNQ) today announced the appointments of Richard Carleton as vp corporate development, and Robert Medland as CFO.

Carleton brings a wealth of exchange related expertise to CNQ. He has been a consultant to several companies and the Investment Dealers Association and previously held senior positions at the Toronto Stock Exchange. He has particular expertise in the market data and index products sectors of the securities industry. Robert Cook, President, commented, “Richard is a great addition to the CNQ management team as he brings a variety of skills and knowledge that can be applied to many areas of CNQ as we continue to grow. He will be instrumental in the development of our Alternative Market for TSX-listed securities and in maintaining excellent relations with the dealer and vendor communities.”

Bob Medland is a Chartered Accountant and financial executive who has served as the CFO for both private and public companies. He has acted as CNQ’s director of finance since the commencement of the company’s operations in 2003. “Bob’s business acumen has made him an instrumental part of the CNQ management team as the company has developed from a standing start to a full fledged stock exchange,” said Cook.