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We’ve compiled a list of our best reads of the year, across eight themes: tax, regulation, insurance, investment, ETFs, column, profile and best series.


Some taxpayers take months or even years to respond to information requests from the CRA — frustrating its ability to collect taxes owing. The federal government thinks the answer could be in granting the agency new powers. As reported by Rudy Mezzetta, tax advisors aren’t so sure.

Proposed CRA audit powers sound alarms


In the name of investor protection, the Canadian Securities Administrators has proposed giving the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) the power to enforce its rulings. James Langton reviewed why industry is biting back against the proposal to give OBSI teeth.

Binding dispute resolution a bitter pill for industry to swallow


Insurance advisors are grappling with a host of pressures, from increasing regulation to a dearth of younger talent entering the industry and a lack of succession planning. Michelle Schriver got the scoop on how it all could impact the quality of client service going forward.

Insurance: An industry in transition


Amid all the hoopla about artificial intelligence, can it get results? In wealth management, the answer’s not clear-cut, James Langton found.

Can AI boost market returns?


When it comes to ETF tickers, the right combination of letters can make the difference between meh and memorable. In fact, studies have shown that financial products with clever ticker symbols perform better as investments. Noushin Ziafati spelled it out for us.

How firms come up with ticker names

Inside Track

As people live longer, they face the prospect of being retired for decades. That means advisors can no longer make assumptions about what this phase of life means for their clients, columnist Susan Silma wrote.

The new retirement requires a new approach


After the messy ouster of Advocis CEO Greg Pollock in fall 2023, Michelle Schriver profiled returning board chair Al Jones in October.

Advocis chairman plans for greater board bench strength

Best ongoing coverage

The April 2023 cease-trade order on all 11 ETFs from Emerge Canada Inc. for capital deficiency represented a first in Canada. Melissa Shin detailed the ongoing fallout from this story throughout 2024, including the implications for ETFs more broadly. (Find the whole series here.)

How to improve confidence in ETFs