The Investment Funds Institute of Canada stands ready to do its part in enhancing the financial literacy of Canadians.

On Tuesday, Joanne De Laurentiis, IFIC president & CEO, outlined the recommendations contained in the institute’s written submission to the Task Force on Financial Literacy (TFFL).

IFIC recommends that the federal government engage all provinces to promote the development and implementation of a national economic and financial literacy education strategy.

It says that any strategy recognize and support the role and value of advice in building the financial literacy of Canadians, a suggested that Advocis has also voiced.

IFIC calls for the creation of a national multi-stakeholder group whose mandate would be to act as a clearinghouse of information, and foster collaboration in the development of financial literacy initiatives and materials.

“The investment funds industry is very supportive of a national strategy to ensure that the financial literacy levels of Canadians improve,” said De Laurentiis.

“IFIC and its members stand ready to do our part — including assisting to roll out any national financial literacy strategy the Task Force recommends.”

IFIC’s submission to the Task Force on Financial Literacy are available on the IFIC website at