Various fund companies across the financial services industry announced the appointment on Tuesday of their initial members of their independent review committees in accordance with national securities regulations requiring independent review committees for public investment funds.

Under the requirements of National Instrument 81-107, initial members of a firm’s IRC must be appointed by May 1 and full compliance with NI 81-107 must be achieved by Nov. 1. All IRC members are independent from the firms they will serve.

Here is a list of the firms and the IRC members they have appointed:

-AGF Funds Inc. appointed: John B. Newman, chairman and CEO of Multibanc Financial Holdings Ltd.; Phillipe Casgrain, counsel with Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP and Louise Morwick, president of Silvercreek Management Inc. to its IRC.

-Brookfield Investment Funds Inc. announced today the appointment of Jim Bacon, John Barratt and Jim Kelly to its IRC. Bacon and Barratt are both the former independent advisors to BIFMI. Kelly is a corporate director and an independent businessman.

-The Citadel Group of Funds appointed J. Stephens Allan, Tom McCabe and Duane Keinick to its IRC.

-Creststreet Asset Management Ltd. appointed three Stuart P. Hensman, John E. Thompson and Jeffrey S. Boyce to its IRC. Each member is an independent director of Creststreet 2006 General Partner Ltd., Creststreet 2006 (II) General Partner Ltd., Creststreet 2007 General Partner Ltd. and Creststreet Mutual Funds Ltd.

-Faircourt Asset Management Inc. appointed Robert Kanee,
Steve Stacey, and Barry Tissenbaum to its IRC.

-Scotia Capital Inc. appointed IRC members for the following investment trusts and mutual fund companies:

-NewGrowth Corp.: Stanley M. Beck, David M. Mann and Donald W. Paterson;
-Utility Corp.: Stanley M. Beck, John B. Newman and Donald W. Paterson;
-SCITI ROCS Trust, SCITI Trust and SCITI Trust II: Stephens B. Lowden, John B. Newman and J. Nicholas Ross;
-B Split II Corp.: E. Stuart Griffith and Colin D. Watson.
-R Split III Corp.: E. Stuart Griffith, E. John Latimer and W. A. Peneycad;
-R Split II Corp.: Thomas C. Dawson, Peter Eby and E. Duff Scott;
-Energy Split Corp. II Inc.: Thomas C. Dawson, K. Michael Edwards and Robert J. Gunn;
-Canadian Wireless Trust: James D. Hinds, W. A. Peneycad and Charles M. Phillips;
-Diversified Private Equity Corp.: Louise A. Morwick, Douglas L. Derry and Thomas Pippy;
-BMONT Split Corp.: Kenneth G. Copland and D. Michael Lay;
-Lifeco Split Corporation Inc.: Michael A. Hasley, E. John Latimer, and Sydney R. McMorran;
-Allbanc Split Corp. II: Kenneth G. Copland, David M. Mann and D. Anthony Ross;
-Thirty-Five Split Corp.: Louise A. Morwick and John B. Newman.

Scotia Capital acts as the administrator for these funds and companies.