The federal government Thursday announced the launch of its search for a candidate to lead the development of a national financial literacy strategy.

Canada’s first Financial Literacy Leader, which is to be housed within the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), will be charged with leading and co-ordinating financial literacy initiatives at the national level, including the development of a national financial literacy strategy, with particular emphasis on seniors and other vulnerable groups, such as Aboriginal people, youth, immigrants and low-income Canadians.

The position is a governor-in-council appointment, and will report to both the Minister of Finance and to Parliament, through the commissioner of the FCAC. Applications are due by July 22.

“Canadians are consumers of financial products like credit cards, mortgages and day-to-day banking services. In today’s increasingly complex financial marketplace, it is becoming more challenging for Canadians to make financial decisions without clear and plain language information,” said Ted Menzies, Minister of State (Finance).