Canada’s mutual fund investors are feeling more confident about their investments and the fund industry this year, suggest survey results released Wednesday by the Investment Funds Institute of Canada.

According to the survey, mutual funds (78%) now rival primary residences (79%) as the investments in which investors have the greatest confidence. As well, the majority of mutual fund investors (87%) have confidence that their retirement finances will allow them to live the life they plan in retirement.

The research was conducted by Pollara Inc., a Canadian public opinion and marketing research firm, in June of this year.

“Canadians have spoken and they have told us that they have confidence in the mutual fund product, the advice they are receiving, and their ability to save for retirement,” says Joanne De Laurentiis, IFIC president and CEO.

“The survey results show the overall value the industry provides to Canadians in terms of providing them with the confidence, information, and support they need to make investment decisions that suit their individual circumstances.”

Other key findings from the survey include:

> the majority of mutual fund investors (85%) purchased their last mutual fund from an advisor; and
> three‐quarters of investors (76%) say the main purpose of their mutual fund investments is to fund retirement.

This is the fifth time IFIC has retained Pollara to conduct a telephone survey of mutual fund investors in Canada. The survey was initiated in an effort to better understand the attitudes and opinions of Canadian mutual fund holders; to identify their needs, expectations, behaviours and opinions; and to track these over time.

The full survey report is available on the IFIC website at