Toronto-based CIBC Asset Management Inc. on Thursday announced the addition of Standard Life Investments (Corporate Funds) Ltd. as a portfolio subadvisor for Imperial Global Equity Income Pool. This change will take effect on or about Sept. 15.

“The increased size of Imperial Global Equity Income Pool, based largely on the success of CIBC Personal Portfolio Services, provides an opportunity to optimize its overall structure. This addition is expected to benefit our clients and strengthen our investment offering,” says David Scandiffio, president and CEO, CIBC Asset Management, in a statement.

Standard Life joins existing subadvisors, KBI Global Investors Ltd. (formerly Kleinwort Benson Investors Dublin Ltd.) and Newton Investment Management (North America) Ltd. on Imperial Global Equity Income Pool. The addition of Standard Life provides an investment management style that is complementary to the existing subadvisors, CIBC says.

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