The Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC) has named Ross Kappele, who is executive vice president and head of distribution at Toronto-based BMO Global Asset Management, as chairman of IFIC’s board, following its annual meeting Sept. 7.
Kappele will be replacing outgoing chairman John Adams, CEO of Mississauga, Ont.-based Primerica Financial Services Canada, after two years in the role.
Carol Lynde, president and COO of Toronto-based Bridgehouse Asset Managers was also elected during the meeting as IFIC’s first vice chairwoman.
“I am pleased to be taking the helm of IFIC at this compelling time,” says Kappele, in a statement. “In the face of rapid change on many fronts, companies from all corners of the investment funds industry — from integrated firms to independent dealers and managers — are united in our mission to protect and grow investors’ wealth so they can have the financial future they want.”
During the meeting, a number of professionals were elected to the board for three-year terms:
> Paul Bourque, president and CEO of IFIC;
> Sian Burgess, senior vice president of fund oversight at Toronto-based Fidelity Investments Canada;
> Jonathan Durocher, president and CEO of Montreal-based National Bank Investments;
> Chris Enright, president and managing director of Burlington, Ont.-based Aligned Capital Partners;
> Judy Goldring, executive vice president & COO at Toronto-based AGF Investments;
> Glen Gowland, senior vice president and head of asset management at Toronto-based Bank of Nova Scotia;
> Duane Green, president and CEO of Toronto-based Franklin Templeton;
> Bernard Letendre, president of Toronto-based Manulife Investments;
> Damon Murchison, senior vice president and head of retail distribution at Mackenzie Investments;
> Michael Stanley, president of Windsor, Ont.-based Sterling Mutuals Inc.;
> Stéphane Blanchette, executive vice president, CCO and CFO of Montreal-based Investia Financial Services Inc. and chairman of CFIQ; and
> Yanic Chagnon, VP investment products at Manulife Financial and vice chairman of IFIC.
Additionally, the board approved membership applications from Montreal-based Fonds de solidarity FTQ and the affiliate application of Chicago, IL-based Donnelley Financial Solutions.
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