The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission is seeking comments on self-regulation and self-regulatory organizations in the U.S. futures industry.

The CFTC is seeking public comment on a range of SRO issues, including governance, the composition of SRO boards of directors and disciplinary committees, and the impact of changing business and ownership models.

Commenters are also asked to consider the effectiveness of board-level regulatory oversight committees, the unique role of outside regulatory service providers, and the impact of securities exchanges’ listing standards on publicly-traded futures SROs.

The CFTC says that publishing its request for comments advances its ongoing review of self-regulation and SROs through 11 questions that build on recent industry developments, update prior fact-finding by commission staff, and offer interested parties an additional opportunity to comment as its SRO study nears conclusion.

The questions presented and issues raised in the request for comments will form the basis of a future roundtable on self-regulation. The comment period will be open for 45 days.