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Global banking regulators have approved a framework for banks to disclose their cryptoasset exposures, and are finalizing capital requirements for those holdings.

The changes, approved by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, are intended to bolster transparency and market discipline when it comes to exposures to the crypto sector.

The group also approved revisions to its prudential standard for banks’ crypto exposures, which seeks to “promote a consistent understanding of the standard,” particularly its approach to the capital treatment for stablecoins.

The disclosure framework and the revised standard will be published later this month and will take effect Jan. 1, 2026.

Additionally, the regulators discussed the potential implications of tokenized deposits and stablecoins on banks’ capital positions, and the possible risks to financial stability that these innovations could create.

Ultimately, they concluded risks are “broadly captured” by the existing capital adequacy regime, but added that they will continue to monitor the ongoing evolution of the crypto sector.

Separately, the regulators said they reviewed the feedback on proposed changes to the standard on interest-rate risk in the banking book, designed to better capture interest-rate shocks and account for interest-rate moves that take place when rates are close to zero.

The updated standard in this area will also be published later this month, and changes will take effect on Jan. 1, 2026.

Finally, the Basel Committee agreed to consult on principles for managing third-party risk, which will also be published later this month, and would replace the existing guidance on outsourcing in the financial sector.

“The updated principles reflect the evolution of a larger and more diverse environment of third-party service providers and would help provide a common baseline for banks and supervisors in managing third-party risks,” it said.

The Basel Committee said it is continuing to work on a framework for disclosing climate-related financial risks.