Brokerage Report Card 2017
Banks are exerting unprecedented influence on their brokerage firms
- May 17, 2017
Banks are exerting unprecedented influence on their brokerage firms
Dealers are becoming more understanding toward regulators
Financial services firms and advisors are adapting to major technological changes, demographic issues and increased regulatory oversight. Thus, advisors are thinking carefully about the support…
The insurance industry is in a period of transition and Insurance advisors appreciate the support their firms are providing to steer through those changes
Financial advisors are casting a critical eye on their respective banks and taking them to task over the numerous failings that they see
Dealer firms are looking for way to address the many challenges coming their way — much to the approval of financial advisors
Advisors need some direction. The uncertainty in the industry is evident in both this year’s ratings and the average advisor’s business.
The perception of Canada’s regulators is a little rosier despite volatile markets, an unsettled economic environment and increasing regulation
The correlation between the support advisors receive from — and the ratings they gave — their firms and MGAs is no coincidence