News and insight for advisors from the 2017 federal budget tabled on March 22 in Ottawa. Photo copyright: jvaillancourt/123RF.
March 24, 2017News and insight for advisors from the 2017 federal budget tabled on March 22 in Ottawa. Photo copyright: jvaillancourt/123RF.
March 24, 2017The proposal would improve the consistency of the tax rules governing registered plans and won’t affect the vast majority of RESP and RDSP holders, the government argues
The budget announced plans for a new national strategy to improve access to information for law enforcement about the people behind corporations and other legal arrangements
The new Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative could also generate as much as $1.5 billion in total new funding, depending on the extent of private sector participation
But while the national debt is expected to rise during the next few years, the debt/GDP ratio is expected to decline slightly during this time
CSBs represents $5 billion of total federal market debt vs more than $50 billion during their height in the 1980s
The federal government will propose legislation to formally designate the CDIC as the resolution authority for banks and to reinforce OSFI’s authority
Budget 2017 proposes to replace the three existing caregiver credits with a single, new, non-refundable Canada caregiver credit to make the system less complex
Doctors, accountants, lawyers and others will now be required to include the value of work in progress when filing their income taxes
The federal budget proposes new rules to ensure that Canadian life insurers are paying the appropriate taxes in Canada and not shifting their income to foreign units
Debbie Pearl-Weinberg, executive director, Tax & Estate Planning, CIBC Wealth Strategies Group, explains changes to tax and investment strategies allowed in RESPs and RDSPs. Weinberg spoke from the federal budget lockup in Ottawa.
The cease-trade order on all 11 ETFs from Emerge Canada Inc. represented the first time such an order had been placed on a family of…
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