You must constantly be on the look-out for new clients in order for your business to remain successful.

“For the most part, very successful advisors are always bringing on new clients,” says April-Lynn Levitt, a coach with the Personal Coach in Calgary. “You don’t ever get to this magic number of a certain number of assets or clients and [and then decide] that’s it, you stop.”

To have a steady stream of new clients requires a strong lead-generation program. Levitt offers this advice to establish an effective process:

> Set specific goals
To establish an effective lead-generation process, think carefully about your goals.

First, consider your revenue target for the year, Levitt says. Then decide how many new clients you’ll have to bring in in order to reach that number.

> Choose a strategy
Select a small number of marketing techniques to make sure you always have new leads.

Levitt suggests using only three or four highly effective marketing techniques, so you don’t feel pulled in different directions. For example, you might create a strategy using social media, seminars and centres of influences.

> Get into a groove
To be a success, your lead-generation process must become routine.

“Advisors often get busy and will just do it whenever they have time,” Levitt says. “But if you don’t make time, it’s not always going to happen.”

Instead, make it a regular part of your schedule to focus on leads, she says.
For example, one of Levitt’s clients makes 10 calls before 10 a.m. , three times a week.

> Follow your results
For your lead-generation plan to be successful, you will need to track your results.

Set a goal for the month, Levitt says, and then track it on a weekly basis using either an Excel spreadsheet or a contact management system. Record the number of new clients you bring in, she says, and whether they fit your ideal client profile.

Then, she says, at the end of the year, you can have a good look at the effectiveness of your various lead-generation methods.

> Use a visual
Stay motivated to find more leads with a visual aid.

Similar to the “thermometers” used by charities to track fundraising efforts, Levitt says, use a visual representation of your progress toward your goal. Some advisors keep a chart or have a notice pop up every morning on their computer screens.

Of course, she adds, you should make sure clients can’t see any references to your lead targets in your office.

> Reward yourself
Stay focused on your lead generation strategy with a reward.

If the satisfaction of having reached your goal isn’t quite enough, Levitt says, promise yourself some kind of reward — such as a trip.