Windsor, Ont.-based Forms Doctor Inc. Wednesday introduced a scaled down version of its paperwork automation software for financial advisors.

A basic version of 3-Click adminPRO+ is priced 75% less than the gold version yet maintains most of the popular features, like a customizable toolbar for accessing forms and an automatic database converter for eliminating manual data entry.

The program populates forms in a split second with data from more than 150 fields per client. A free 60-day trial is now available.

“We have built a solid reputation for paperwork automation excellence among independent financial advisors,” explains David Dagley, president and CEO of Forms Doctor. “We want the quality of our products and the ease of filling out paperwork to be experienced by as many financial advisors and administrators as possible.”

Volume discounts and customized branding are available to investment dealers looking for a cost effective turnkey paperwork automation solution for their advisors.

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