Consumer finance business Trans Canada Credit Corp. announced today it has changed its name effective January 1 to Wells Fargo Financial Corp. Canada.

The company remains a Canadian-based and Canadian-managed business, with headquarters in Mississauga.

“There’s a new name on the door, but our customers will still experience the same great products and services they have always received from our business,” said Rick Valade, president of Wells Fargo Canada, in a release. “The Wells Fargo brand is synonymous with financial strength for consumer customers in Canada, where we offer a broad range of products and services to our customers.”

Wells Fargo Canada’s parent company is Wells Fargo Financial, the consumer finance subsidiary of Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo Financial acquired Trans Canada Credit in November 1992 and operated it under that name until today.

Wells Fargo Canada operates 168 consumer stores in all 10 provinces of Canada and has a network of more than 3,400 merchants and hundreds of mortgage brokers across Canada. The company focuses on real estate-secured loans, personal loans and sales finance receivables as well as automobile financing and private-label credit card financing through other Wells Fargo entities. Wells Fargo Canada and its affiliated entities have $3.35 billion in receivables.

Replacement of signs at store locations will occur over the next 60 days.

One element of the name change project is creation of a new French logo and corporation name, Societe financiere Wells Fargo Canada, to be used in Quebec. It represents the first time a Wells Fargo entity has conducted business under a French name.