Retirement Compensation Funding (RcF) and Desjardins Financial Security (DFS), along with Laurentian Financial Services (LFS), have formed a strategic alliance. RcF will provide sales and back office support to DFS and LFS advisors for the establishment of retirement compensation arrangements (RCAs).

DFS and LFS advisors will be given access to RcFNet advisor site, and access to a DFS/LFS microsite within RcFNet. The microsite will contain customized marketing materials and tools to help DFS/LFS advisors in promoting the use of the DFS universal life insurance product as the funding vehicle for the RCA.

RcF developed the first funding product for RCAs in the late 1980s. The firm as expertise in the design and funding of supplemental pension plans.

Specialized funding concepts are underwritten by major insurers, such as Canada Life, Desjardins Financial, Empire Life, Manulife, and Standard Life. Retirement Compensation Arrangement Trust Services provided by BMO Trust Co.