When should you fire a client?
An antagonistic relationship can be draining, both financially and emotionally
- By: Dwarka Lakhan
- May 26, 2016 November 17, 2019
- 09:40
An antagonistic relationship can be draining, both financially and emotionally
Create a realistic view of how much investment risk they can handle
Be prepared for different attitudes, but avoid stereotyping
Boomers, Gen X and millennials have distinct preferences
Learn more about your clients through conversation, not interrogation
Find out how — and how often — they want to be contacted
Clients are more interested in your value as a person than your technical knowledge
Find out which method each client prefers and review those preferences periodically
Persuading a prospect to become your client requires time, patience and communication
Find out what your clients are thinking or risk losing them to another advisor
To build trust and confidence, put your own expertise aside, and listen
Your workspace should instill confidence in your expertise
While kids are under pressure to spend, parents can impart some good habits
Your outgoing message should assure clients that you will respond to their call
Getting together over coffee or lunch shows that you think highly of your client
If you fail to engage the woman, you risk losing her business
Relate to both partners as individuals
Review these five tips to boost your experience with prospective and new clients
The discussion must be personal because every client is unique
Remind them that market movements are cyclical
Some clients will worry more than others. Your job is to reassure them
Effective use of verbal and non-verbal skills takes practice and experience
Meet in person or use online surveys
Get to the bottom of their unhappiness through frank and open discussion
Client contact is key to client satisfaction