Home Newspaper Mid-October 2012

Mid-October 2012

Building Your Business

Following a series of recent, significant judgments, it has become crucial to know where your clients' trusts are actually managed. Failure to stay on top…

Even though the deadline for filing income taxes is months away, now is the time to look at ways to minimize taxes for your clients…

A small percentage of professional investors may be subject to significant tax penalties if they abuse their accounts in tax-avoidance schemes. Most clients, according to…

Tax increases are minimal and some provinces have even managed to provide tax breaks

This year's deficit-fighting federal budget delays public pension eligibility and closes various tax loopholes to help get public spending under control. But there were some…

The pre-budget submissions from groups in the financial services industry argue for more incentives aimed at promoting saving and wealth generation, especially in investment vehicles…

These structures may have fewer tax advantages than they did in the past, but they can still be useful to shelter wealth

The federal budget announced changes in the benchmark test for tax-free investments, which may create opportunities for insurance advisors and their clients looking for ways…

The Canada Revenue Agency is in the third and final year of a review of non-profit organizations to "measure tax at risk" in the sector.…

Relief from U. S. tax rules won't help most complex situations

U. S. rules that cover Canadian mutual funds could make holding these funds far less attractive for some clients. Advisors need to be aware of…

The complexities of tax law mean that advisors must step carefully in this area or risk liability. Consider having a network of experts in place…

Many holders of TFSAs get caught overcontributing because they don't understand the rules. More education by financial advisors, institutions and the CRA is needed

Front Page

Tough balancing act for governments looking for revenue

Consolidation: While some firms clean house, others see an opportunity

"Clients understand dollars. They don't always get basis points"

Comment & Insight

JOE OLIVER, THE FEDERAL NATURal resources minister, has been showing a better understanding of Alberta’s interests than Alberta’s premier herself. Alison Redford’s continuous but uninformed…

Many expect B. C. Premier Christy Clark to lose the spring contest. But much could change by then

The Ville Marie Expressway, an eyesore since it was built in the 1970s, is central to Montreal's crumbling infrastructure

The government seems to be having more trouble selling its policies to Canadians


Lynette Gao has established a thriving practice serving newcomers who need help understanding Canada's system

Confusion reigns about the rules of RESPs

Retired couples under age 65 who have registered pension plans get bigger breaks

Mackenzie's new CIO, Tony Elavia, says protecting against downside risk as investors age will be one of the firm's key goals

DOUG BIEHN, A CERTIFIED financial planner with Viking Wealth Management Inc. in Humboldt, Sask., is benefiting from a surge of newcomers to his rural community,…

CANADIANS ARE, AT BEST, average students when it comes to money matters, as some recent studies have found. In turn, that worrisome state of affairs…

Mentorship program also aims to increase the association's membership, which has been declining

IF YOU ARE USING WEBSITES to communicate with clients, you should be paying attention to a recent bulletin from Jennifer Stoddart, the privacy commissioner of…

Service providers have had to step up their offerings to meet the growing demand from firms that want to leverage social media

Recent national census data point to trends that could affect how financial advisors go about developing their businesses

The possible regulation of proxy-advice firms is just one aspect of share-holder democracy that’s under regulatory scrutiny. Corporate-governance advocates are finally seeing some progress on…

Institutional investors say there is no need for regulatory intervention, but issuers have many concerns with the role of proxy advisors

The new version of a proposed rule supports unique interim financial statements for venture-level firms

Focus on Products

Study suggests that the Canadian mutual fund industry is rife with managers who tend to follow a market index

Expansion of money supply is golden for managers of precious metals equity funds

Toronto-based TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM), manager of TD Managed Maximum Equity Growth Portfolio and TD FundSmart Managed Maximum Equity Growth Portfolio, has changed the…

Toronto-based FT Portfolios Canada Co. has launched two new mutual funds: First Trust U. S. Dividend Portfolio and First Trust Global Balanced Portfolio. These funds…

Toronto-based BMO Asset Management Inc. has changed the investment strategies of five BMO exchange-traded funds (ETFs). BMO Dow Jones Canada Titans 60 Index ETF now…

Toronto-based Sentry Investments Inc. has expanded its line-up of fixed-income offerings with the addition of three funds. Sentry Bond Plus Fund, Sentry Enhanced Corporate Bond…

Help clients get the right blend of assets to ensure that their savings don't run out

Advisors need to ask tough questions about mutual fund performance data

Investment research

GIVEN ALL THE FUSS ABOUT European sovereign-debt problems and the implications of Quantitative Easing III, one of the worst droughts in U. S. history this…

Clients may now be receiving insufficient yields, given that dividends have risen by half as much as the S&P/TSX composite index since 2009

In spite of the low yields on bonds, there remains a rationale for holding them: they stabilize portfolios and pay back face value

The rise of India as a key emerging economy presents opportunities in banking, IT and automobiles, among other sectors