Volatility ETNs can be used to help hedge equities
BCE's management is committed to raising dividends. This helps make the stock a reasonable alternative to bonds
Synthetic stock positions can be a useful way to invest in U.S. banks without taking on all the risks of unfavourable exchange rates and Canadian tax exposure
Times have changed and investors now have to accept that market risk is critical when assessing specific asset classes
Options can enhance the DCA experience by providing an early exit alternative should a stock trade beyond its normal range
Concepts such as expected vs actual returns allow options traders who can stay invested long enough, and who also know when to throw away losing hands, can profit
Traders can use options to ascertain an implied trading range, then set up strategies to provide a payoff based on whether the company matches, beats or misses its earnings expectations
Enbridge can be a good choice for income-seeking clients willing to use an options strategy. But beware of risks, including volatile oil prices, exchange and interest rates
The reality is that trying to predict the price of gold is like trying to forecast the path of a tornado
As sentiment eventually gives way to reality, interest rates will rise, which will fuel a rebound in banking stocks