ABC Life Literacy Canada, a Toronto-based non-profit devoted to improving Canadians’ life skills, is launching its latest series of workshops devoted to financial literacy, along with a new online edition.
The group, which has been delivering its Money Matters workshops since 2011, is celebrating the start of Financial Literacy Month with a workshop to be held in Beaconsfield, Que. on Oct. 31. A session in Toronto on Nov. 30 will close the month.
The Money Matters workshops are funded by Toronto-Dominion Bank and hosted by community organizations and/or TD employees to teach basic financial literacy skills such as building credit, establishing spending plans, and saving for education or retirement. To date, more than 10,000 people have attended the sessions.
Also in November, ABC will launch a new online, self-directed version of the workshops, designed to help provide access to the material to those in remote areas.
“Everyone should have the skills, knowledge and confidence to make the best financial decisions for their family and their future. Money Matters is a direct response to that need and we’re grateful to TD Bank Group for their continued support, which has allowed us to bring the program to more learners and more communities every year,” says Mack Rogers, executive director of ABC, in a statement.