Financial Advisor

Career Counsellor or Counselling Service

Help the client get through the current situation financially

Help clients get back on their feet

Ensure the client signs up for employment

Ensure client is staying healthy (exercising; eating right; having fun)

Ensure rainy-day fund is intact

Help client to update resumé

Find ways to cut non-essential costs

Promote networking skills

Counsel client on new budget

Discuss new career possibilities

Advise on ways to spread out severance

Conduct personal assessments and discuss career goals, previous jobs

Advise on how to proceed with life insurance and health-care premiums

Advise against moving too quickly into another job without an emotional breather

Advise the client on what he or she should ask for, financially, in next job

Suggest methods of relaxation, such as

Consider tax-efficient RRSP

Provide names of people in different sectors who can help with finding work

Counsel on pros and cons of cashing in

Discuss potential ways of earning money before next job (consulting; freelancing)

Discuss using spouse’s income to tide the
client over

Suggest client talk to friends and loved ones about what they’re going through

Counsel the client to minimize

Talk about forming a support network with former colleagues to help motivation

Advise on whether to cut back on RRSP payments — at least, temporarily

Suggest client keep in contact with former colleagues who have found new jobs