Laurentian Bank announced Thursday the new makeup of its management committee, which has been downsized from 12 to 7 members.

In addition to Raymond McManus, president and CEO of Laurentian Bank, the members of the committee are:

  • Robert Cardinal, senior executive vice president and CFO who will also assume responsibility for Risk Management, Information Technology, the Administrative Centres and Real Estate Management;
  • André Dubuc, senior executive vice-president, Treasury and Capital Markets, who becomes responsible for the Wealth Management and Brokerage business line and will chair Laurentian Bank Securities;
  • Suzanne Masson, executive vice president, Human Resources and Corporate Affairs, who is also Secretary of the bank, will now supervise Internal Audit;
  • Bernard Piché, who remains president and CEO of B2BTrust, is responsible for ensuring the continued growth of this subsidiary;
  • Réjean Robitaille, who becomes executive vice president, Retail Financial Services, which now includes Agency Banking; and
  • André Scott, who remains as executive vice-president, Commercial Financial Services.

In announcing the committee’s new membership, McManus said that, “Laurentian Bank’s objective is to continue its strategy of being a niche player in markets where it has the greatest impact and effectiveness. Our mission is to provide superior personalized financial services to our clients.”

McManus also praised the accomplishments of the departing members of the management committee.