The Financial Planners Standards Council has published a new resource to help young people start to hone their money management skills earlier in life.
On Tuesday the FPSC released Plan Your Path, a financial planning activity guide designed for Scouts Canada leaders. The guide is useful for anyone working with young people.
“It’s never too early to start developing good money management skills,” says John Doyle, CIBC Wood Gundy Inc. Doyle is also a Scout leader. “I talk to adults everyday who say they wish they had acquired better money management skills earlier in life. And as a Scout leader, I believe this is a valuable resource for kids. They can learn a lot from these activities.”
The guide introduces basic money concepts like: setting goals, earning money, saving, budgeting, spending, investing – and more. The activities have been designed in partnership with Scout leaders, CFP professionals and the World Wildlife Fund. There are activities for youth within the five to 14 age ranges.
“Scouts Canada has a long-held tradition of fostering learning by doing. Plan Your Path is a very practical guidebook filled with activities that our leaders can use with Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to teach important financial planning concepts relevant to their lives,” says Mike Scott, chief commissioner, Scouts Canada.
Scouts Canada leaders may obtain copies of the activity guide from any local Scouts Shop. It is also available online at FPSC’s Web site at