Mackenzie Investments today announced that unitholders have approved various changes to the folio funds and GWLIM Ethics Fund. These funds are distributed exclusively through Quadrus Investment Services Ltd.
Unitholders of Conservative Folio Fund, Moderate Folio Fund, Balanced Folio Fund, Advanced Folio Fund and Aggressive Folio Fund (the folio funds) approved a change in the investment objectives for each of these funds, as well as an amendment and restatement of the master declaration of trust.
The new investment objective will remove the requirement to invest in specified underlying funds in specified weightings, and will instead permit each of the funds to invest in securities of other mutual funds, generally or directly in securities, in order to achieve their respective investment objectives. The changes to the declaration of trust will reflect Mackenzie’s new fund governance regime, adopt industry standard practices relating to quorum requirements for investor meetings and simplify the administration of the folio funds. These changes will be effective as of June 26.
Unitholders of the following terminating funds have approved a merger into the respective continuing funds.
Fixed Income Folio Fund will merge into LLIM Canadian Bond Fund.
Canadian Equity Folio Fund will merge into Quadrus Canadian Equity Corporate Class.
Global Equity Folio Fund will merge into Quadrus US and International Equity Corporate Class.
GWLIM Ethics Fund will merge into GWLIM Canadian Growth Fund.
The mergers are scheduled to occur on July 7.
Mackenzie makes changes to Quadrus fund line-up
Unitholders approve changes to investment objectives and fund mergers
- By: IE Staff
- June 23, 2006 June 23, 2006
- 13:50