Lakeview Asset Management Inc. today announced it is changing the name of three of its funds to clearly identify them as part of the Lakeview family of funds. Accordingly, these funds will have Lakeview added to the front of their names.

The name change will affect the three existing Disciplined Leadership funds.

Disciplined Leadership Canadian Equity Fund will be known as Lakeview Disciplined Leadership Canadian Equity Fund.

Disciplined Leadership U.S. Equity Fund will be known as Lakeview Disciplined Leadership U.S. Equity Fund.

Disciplined Leadership High Income Fund will be known as Lakeview Disciplined Leadership High Income Fund.

Lakeview also advised that the portfolio advisor of these funds, Rockwater Asset Management Inc. changed its name to Barometer Capital Inc. and will no longer be an affiliated entity with Lakeview.

Lakeview said that the announced changes will not have any effect on the management of the funds. All three Lakeview Disciplined Leadership funds will continue to receive portfolio advice in the same manner and by the same team that has been in place since the funds’ inception.

In addition, performance fees will now only be charged to the Lakeview Funds when they have both outperformed their respective benchmarks, and when the performance from the date that the last performance fee was paid is positive. This change is more beneficial for investors as it better aligns the interests of managers and clients.

Lakeview is part of the Rockwater group of companies.